Best application of Arabic for pregnant women at allnThe best ever pregnancy app
سجل الحمل، التطبيق المفضل للحوامل في الوطن العربي (عربي/ انجليزي)!! اول تطبيق صحي تفاعلي للحوامل مع اتصال مباشر مع طبيبك. سيدتي، اخيرا ولاول مرة في الوطن العربي، الان بامكانك الحصول على سجلك الطبي الالكتروني مجانا. هل تعلمين ان بامكانك تحويل شهور الحمل الى اجمل تسعة اشهر في حياتك؟ وتتجنبي 77% من اعراض الحمل الغير مرغوبة فقط اذا حصلت على المعلومات الموثوقة مسبقا..؟نحن نتفهمك وطاقمنا الخبير هنا لأجلك. "سجل الحمل" سيرافقك من بوادر حملك الاولى وصولا لولادة سهلة وامنة، فيزوّدك بكل ما تحتاجين اليه لجعل فترة حملك اكثر متعة وامان. افضل تطبيق طبي عربي للحوامل حتما سيلبي كل احتياجاتك.يحتوي التطبيق على التغذية السليمة خلال حملك، دليل التغذية خلال الحمل، كيف تتجنبي متاعب الحمل كالحموضة والام الظهر والدوالي وغيرها. تمتعي بصور ثلاثية الابعاد للجنين خلال الاربعين اسبوعا مع تفاصيل لنمو وتطور الجنين اسبوعيا.بالاضافة الى متابعة وزنك، وزن الحامل، وحركات جنينك، حركات الجنين، وتذكيرك بتناول الادوية وبمواعيد زيارة الطبيب وبأوقات اجراء فحوصاتك. لتحصلي على سجلك الطبي الالكتروني مجانا، فقط ادعي طبيبك لاستخدام النظام الخاص بهم من خلال موقعنا الالكتروني حيث بامكان طبيبك متابعة صحتك وصحة جنينك من خلال الادوات في التطبيق.كما وباستطاعتك الحصول على نتائج فحوصاتك الطبية مباشرة من خلال التطبيق. وبامكانك الان البحث عن اطباء النسائية والتوليد حسب دولتك ومدينتك والاتصال بهم مباشرة من التطبيق.أشرف على تصميم هذا التطبيق بشكل كامل عدد من الاطباء في الوطن العربي وفي مستشفيات جامعة هارفرد الامريكية، ويوصي به العديد من اطباء الاختصاص واللجان العلمية.ماذا تنتظرين؟ حملي التطبيق الان واكتشفي العديد من المزايا الفريدة لسجل الحمل!!انضمي لصفحتنا الخاصة بالحوامل على الفيسبوك ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي الاخرى.مع سجل الحمل.. حملك سهل!Madam, do you know you can convert pregnancy months to the most beautiful 9 months in your life?And can avoid 77% of the undesired pregnancy symptoms only if you get the trusted information in advance?GraviLog, is the 1st interactive healthcare app connected with your doctor. Now for the 1st time, you can obtain your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for free; which enables your doctor to monitor your health and your fetus health, just invite your Dr. to use his part through our website at it is the most secured and user friendly system ever!GraviLog will accompany you since the early signs of your pregnancy until easy and safe delivery, will provide you with all you need to make your pregnancy period more fun and safe!GraviLog provides you credible information related to healthy nutrition and how to avoid pregnancy complications like heartburn, pack pain and varicose veins and others.GraviLog monitors and tracks your weight and fetus kicks, reminds you to take your medicine, doctors’ visits and periodic checkups on-time.Enjoy 3D images for fetus development during the 40 weeks.This app has been designed under the full supervision of several doctors in Harvard university hospitals and the in the Arab world, and is highly recommended by several specialized doctors and scientific committees. You can search Obstetric and gynecologists based on your country and city, you may call them directly. What are you waiting for? Download the app now for free and discover the several unique features for GraviLog!With GraviLog App.... You will never experience an easier pregnancy and a safer delivery!Record pregnancy, the preferred application for pregnant women in the Arab world (Arabic / English) !! The first application of interactive health of pregnant women with direct contact with your doctor. Madam, finally for the first time in the Arab world, now you can get a free electronic medical record. Did you know that you can convert to the most beautiful months of pregnancy for nine months in your life? And avoid taking 77% of the symptoms of unwanted pregnancy only if it got reliable information in advance ..?We Ntvhmk expert and our staff are here for you. "History pregnancy" will escort you from the first signs of pregnancy down easy and safe for the birth, Vezodk whatever you need him to make your pregnancy more enjoyable and safe. Best Arabic medical application for pregnant women inevitably will meet all your needs.The application contains the proper nutrition during pregnancy, during pregnancy nutrition guide, how to avoid taking pregnancy troubles Kalhmodh, back pain, varicose veins and others. Enjoy three-dimensional images of the fetus during the forty weeks with the details for the growth and development of the embryo week.In addition to the follow-up weight, the weight of the carrier, and the movements of your fetus, fetal movements, and remind you to take medicine and the dates and times of a visit to the doctor to hold your tests.To you get a free electronic medical record, only your doctor is alleged to use their system through our website where your doctor can follow your health and the health of your baby through the tools in the application.And you can also get the results of your tests and medical directly through the application. You can now search for Doctors Obstetrics and Gynecology by your country and your city and contact them directly from the application.Oversaw the design of this application is fully a number of doctors in the Arab world and in hospitals in the US Harvard University, and recommended by many doctors and scientific committees of jurisdiction.What you waitin? A local application now and discover many unique features to record pregnancy !!Sign up to our own pregnant women on Facebook and other social networking sites.With pregnancy .. pregnancy scored easy!Madam, do you know you can convert pregnancy months to the most beautiful 9 months in your life?And can avoid 77% of the undesired pregnancy symptoms only if you get the trusted information in advance?GraviLog, is the 1st interactive healthcare app connected with your doctor. Now for the 1st time, you can obtain your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for free; which enables your doctor to monitor your health and your fetus health, just invite your Dr. to use his part through our website at it is the most secured and user friendly system ever!GraviLog will accompany you since the early signs of your pregnancy until easy and safe delivery, will provide you with all you need to make your pregnancy period more fun and safe!GraviLog provides you credible information related to healthy nutrition and how to avoid pregnancy complications like heartburn, pack pain and varicose veins and others.GraviLog monitors and tracks your weight and fetus kicks, reminds you to take your medicine, doctors visits and periodic checkups on-time.Enjoy 3D images for fetus development during the 40 weeks.This app has been designed under the full supervision of several doctors in Harvard university hospitals and the in the Arab world, and is highly recommended by several specialized doctors and scientific committees.You can search Obstetric and gynecologists based on your country and city, you may call them directly.What are you waiting for? Download the app now for free and discover the several unique features for GraviLog!With GraviLog App .... You will never experience an easier pregnancy and a safer delivery!- تحديث التطبيق لاحدث نظام أندرويد.- معالجة بعض المشاكل وتحسين الأداء.
تطبيق اكثر من راااائع، والمعلومات قيمة وسهل الاستخدام
في كتير برامج من هاد النوع احسن منه بكتير
في مشكلة عندما اقوم بالتسجيل عليه
المعلومات اللى فية حلوة اوى بس مش عارفة لية مش راضى يكمل معايا التسجيل
كتير حلو وبساعد الحامل بكتير مواضيع بنصح الحوامل تنزلو اول حمل
Verrrry nice
اكثر من راااائع.. 👍تستاهلون كل النجم. سهل الاستخدام واهم شي المعلومات صارت موثقة من منظمة الصحة. لكن ما افهم ميزة الربط مع الطبيب، اذا حد يعرف يخبرنا. انا استخدمه كل اسبوع مرتين وانصح جميع الحوامل يحملوه. شكرا 💓
Thanx for made this app 💖